The React Redux Portfolio Project

The goal of this project was to create an app using as much of what we have learned as possible. It needed to utilize React and Redux, ES6 syntax, and communicate with a Rails backend. I chose to write a stock portfolio valuation tool similar to what you’d see on Yahoo Finance, or at an […]

Rails App with a jQuery Front End

For this project, we were to take our pre-existing Rails app (written without using JSON or Ajax), and rewrite all or part of it using JSON and Ajax. My previous Rails project was Recipe Cat, a recipe catalog application. It makes extensive use of Embedded Ruby (ERB) pages and is pretty tightly coupled with the […]

The Rails Portfolio Project

This is the first do-it-yourself from scratch Rails coding project. The previous projects were kind of paint-by-the-numbers, where you’re completing a part of an existing project or being guided as to what to create. This project had a brief description of what the project needed to satify the Rails Assessment requirements. For my project, I chose to […]

The Sinatra CMS Project

This is the first comprehensive Sinatra coding project. It brings together Ruby, Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and a little HTML. The assignment is to design and implement a basic CRUD application. It needs to include a one-to-many relationship between two of the data models. Once I picked a domain and created a rough design (modeling merchandise purchases), […]

The Web Scraping Project

This is the first do-it-yourself from scratch Ruby coding project. The previous projects were kind of paint-by-numbers, where you’re completing a part of an existing project or being guided as to what to create. They also had a fairly complete test suite to guide what you coded. This project had none of that, except a […]

Why did I decide to learn software development?

I was an undergraduate in college studying aerospace engineering. I found that it wasn’t for me, but didn’t know what would spark my passion. After dabbling in different areas, I took an Introduction to Computer Science class and was immediately hooked. I’m not sure what exactly hooked me. The big attraction may have been that, […]